Hafa Adai and welcome to our class blog! You will be posting assignments on this site throughout the semester. Take care and happy blogging!
A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.
I feel like I have more passwords than a Swiss bank now, but I got here.
Hi, just testing....do not know what to say.
Is this where we write what we learned so far?
Blog posting on what I have learned.
The most interesting thing that I have learned in ED636 is how to use MOODLE. I still have many questions about it but I am sure that with the practice I will became an expert on using MOODLE
I have also learned how to use Live Text which will help us to create our own portfolio; I loved this idea of creating a portfolio on line, instead of creating one on a binder.
Another very important thing that I have learned is to develop a lesson plan following the ASSURE model. Before I was only familiar with Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Plan of Direct Instruction which has seven steps to follow: 1. Objectives 2. Standards 3. Anticipatory set 4. Teaching =input, modeling and check for understanding 5. Guided practice/monitoring 6. Closure 7. Independent practice. The seven steps make a good check list of elements in planning a lesson, just as well as the ASSURE model.
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