ED636 - Fall 2006

A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

Rachel Kerr
ED 636
Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
September 6, 2006
Blog entry – what has been learned

So far, this class has been very interesting. Without having a text yet, all learning has come from class discussion and activities. While so much information has been covered in class, what I have found particularly interesting has been the webquests, the ASSURE model and exploring the different submission sites.
The webquests were interesting to analyze because of the different qualities each contained. Although the class consensus was that the Egyptian webquest was the best, I still question using it as a primary teaching tool. I think that it would make an interesting enrichment activity. I could see how I could use webquests as an assessment tool for students to make for projects, especially with history and American Literature. I am pondering what material I will cover in my webquest, because I would like to create something that will be meaningful for my subject area and my students.
I enjoyed learning about ASSURE model on how to create meaningful lessons. Even though I have been teaching for a few years, it is interesting to learn about the newer research. The presentation was great because it gave us time to actually apply the ASSURE model to an actual lesson.
Having time in class to explore the internet sites and the different submission sites has been great. I am one who gets easily lost and frustrated with the technology. Going over blogs and moodle step-by-step has been very beneficial to me. The direct instruction on the sites has shown me how easy it is to use these sites. I am looking forward to exploring more uses for these sites.
ED636 - Fall 2006


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