ED636 - Fall 2006

A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My thoughts on Instructional Technology

So far I have learned that visuals play a huge role in instructional technology. Two of the first six chapters were devoted to discussing them. Instructional technology is also not a new concept; ever since the first teacher started taking chalk to write on the chalkboard, that teacher was already demonstrating instructional technology.

Personally, I would like to be consistent in my use of instructional technology. Like the book says, it's not technology until it is "used" or "applied". Last school year I used a lot of technological tools, from handheld computers for math applications to computers with Internet access to visit different websites for educational purposes. This year, my math class is the one that is really getting the benefit of any technological innovation from me. I would like to see myself giving more opportunity for my science classes to use technology. Logistics is partly the reason but that is another story....

I count myself lucky to have been given the opportunity to teach in a school that supports technology. Other teachers are not as lucky. I should learn to use this to my own and my students' advantage...


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