ED636 - Fall 2006

A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

Media and instruction
Using the word media we most of the time think about jounalism. This reading reminded me that media is by definition any form of communication of knowledge or information.
The media was introduced in the school system as early as 1905 in a form of a class trip to a museum.Media appears to be very important in the education world because it brings to the learner the support that can not be obtained through words only.By media I now understand all the activities that I've been using in class.(presentation,demonstration, discussion, drill,practice,games...).
The introduction of media in the school system and the developpement of technology push me to ask why do we still need teachers in the classrooms when the students can get his intructions from the internet.
I believe teachers are needed to channel and organize instruction.
The media is a supplemental support for the teacher.
I could even say that with the media the teacher can easily allow his students to travel the world, learn about the thing that surround the student in a fun and creative way.
In choosing the media for a lesson a teacher has to have in mind the learners cultural background, their age and the effects that the media will hve on them.
The teacher should go through the " 5P".
I really enjoyed the chapter and decided to use the media available to me wisely.


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