ED636 - Fall 2006

A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What you have learned and your thoughts on instructional technology.

So far, I have learned that I am very uncomfortable trying out new technological ideas in my classroom because I just don’t think much of this is appropriate for the type of program I teach. The International Baccalaureate English program especially the higher level, which is what I teach, demands quite a bit of personal interaction with the literature. This interaction involves discussion and presentations that are to be verbal analysis with very little technological support. IB also is not a very flexible program when it comes to time – we are on a tight schedule, especially at the higher level. There really is no time to be wasted frivolous activities. We read, analyze, write, and speak. I find that the tool the students need is the teacher.

I have already incorporated Moodle as a homework submission site and Rolly has been incredibly supportive with working with me in this. I haven’t really been able to expand beyond journal type entries.

I feel that instructional technology has a place in the classroom, but not as a primary instructional tool. Like with everything else, the technology should be used in moderation.


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