ED636 - Fall 2006

A course focusing on the role of the advanced technologies of education such as telecommunications and interactive media in the instructional process. Emphasis is on the selection, utilization, and evaluation of these media resources for instruction. Applications for advanced technologies in the teaching learning process are stressed.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

November 1, 2006
Blog posting on your action plan to complete instructional technology goals.
Araceli Nelson

My plan to complete instructional technology goals:
1. Is to develop social understanding and the ability to work in groups, develop the ability to plan and complete projects.
2. Develop a technology-rich classroom where interactive projects built on standards facilitate student use of technology.
3.Empower students to create meaning from learning, conduct research, improve communication, and develop responsibility.
4.Promote the active exchange of innovative ideas and experiences in educational technology among the campus community.
I will like to use technology to provide and support a challenging curriculum through engaging instructional practices like cooperative learning, critical thinking and project based learning.
One of the many reasons that I like to integrate technology into my curriculum is that the students become more responsible for their home work, they do not relay that much on the teacher because everything can be done by the computer.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Time for Action

Thomas J. Petra
ED636 – Dr. Rivera
Action Plan

When it comes to writing an action plan on meeting my instructional technology goals, I find that I am somewhat at a loss. I have already applied some of the concepts
I have learned from the class in my instruction, but I find that time is a resource I am currently lacking. Since I just woke up in front of my computer, I will try to give it a shot.
First and foremost, I will complete the St. John’s Masters Program. Besides my professional duties and those to my family, the work required to attain this degree is one of my highest priorities. I will continue to implement the concepts that I learn into my curriculum and, when possible, I will incorporate my curriculum into the accomplishment of certain university assignments.
I will continue to research educational topics that interest me and gather articles from periodicals, journals and other Internet sources. I will use the LiveText and an ERIC account to manage these. At present, these searches have been dedicated to university work, but eventually these will be of a more personal, professional sort. I will add to this the inclusion of online subscriptions to educational journals that interest me.
I need to arrange a meeting with our school’s technology resource person so that I can be sure I am aware of the onsite hardware and software available to me. I ought to know all of the capabilities these resources have to offer, as well as the abilities of my personal laptop computer that may be unknown to me. I have already learned so much in the past two months, but I know there is much more.
Ironically, my most daunting goal is also the oldest. The implementation of handheld computers in my instruction is something I have been meaning to do for almost two years now. I think my subject area is one of the obstacles I face in meeting this goal. Still, I can’t substantiate that comment without first training myself in all of the handheld’s capabilities, which I have not.
All of this would much easier if there were 30 hours in a day. Nonetheless, I will endeavor to complete these goals in order. The attainment of a Master’s degree is of the most significance. The rest will follow with time.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

Instructional Technology Goals
Marcelle Diambra Odi
Ed 636
Dr. M. Matilda

Technology has been in the school system for long years but it seems that the development of the communication network is the one bringing the most important changes in the education system.

The introduction of technology changed slowly the orientation of the school system. From a teacher-centered system, education is nowadays student-centered. We could say that technology contribute to this evolution. The student now has an active part in the learning process. I see technology as a support to the traditional education system.

The goals of technology in the education system is, I hope, to liberalize education, to make it more accessible, open.
Innovation in technology, specially with computer and digitization of information, allows instruction to be more cognitive and constructive.

There is a debate over the fact that technology is taking away the humanistic dimension of education. We should realize that the integration of technology, the emergence of internet have brought a lot of changes in many areas of our everyday life. We, as educators, can’t fight the current.

Technology in the classroom is a tool for making teaching and learning for students and teachers more productive and engaging.
In the language classroom, video is a very effective medium to develop students’ language proficiency. I use a lot the internet activities because they’re very constructive and the students relate easily to those activities than the one in the book.
The overall goal of Instructional Technology is to create different forms of learning and teaching with the help of technology. The teacher still have to determine what was to be learned or how it was to be taught.

My goal is to efficiently use technology to present the world to the students. To be able to achieve that I have myself to be familiar with technology.
In the area of foreign language the internet offers many activities, games that one can use to energize the classroom.
I just wish to learn how to use technology to discover all the tresors available to me to enhance learning.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006/ch9

Marcelle Diambra Odi
Chap. 9: Computers
Dr. M. Rivera

Computer is the invention that has brought rampant changes in our daily life and particularly in the school system.
Computer offers an important support to the teacher but in no means can it replace him, mostly at the primary and secondary levels.
Most teachers are nonusers of computer in classroom because they’re intimidated by the technology.

The purpose of this chapter or other materials dealing with the subject is to inform and educate the teachers in the use of the tool.
It appears that the University of Illinois was a pioneer in introducing computer in the classroom in 1960.
The invention of the microprocessor followed by the microcomputer in 1975 make it possible today to make a full use of the computer.

They’re 2 major applications of computers in instruction:
-computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
-computer-managed instruction (CMI)
In the CAI , the student interacts directly with the computer in a controlled sequence in a form of drill-practice and self-test.
In the CMI the computer serves as a liaison between the teacher and the student for instructional purpose. It also stores valuable information pertaining to teacher and the student.

The roles of computers
Computers have many functions in the school system and everywhere else. In administration computer is used to keep records, to type letters, to do scheduling of classes, to do payroll and many more.
In the classroom we can think of 5 types of applications:
- as an object of instruction
- as a valuable tool for the teacher as well as for the student
- as an instructional device
- as a catalyst for school restructuring
- as a means of teaching logical thinking
Computer has the advantage to allow the student to work at his own pace and time sometime, it presents the different activities in a way that it captivate the attention of the learner, it also provide a broad diversity of learning experiences.
Computer has limitations that can be controlled. One of the limitation of computer is the lack of social interaction. The cost factor is also a limitation for certain social classes and countries.
In the school system , if the computer has to become a great tool the teacher has to learn to work with the technology and be completely computer-literate.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Image Source: http://www.tekconnect.com/images/education.jpg

In order to realize my technological goals, I am outlining the following plan of action for myself.

1) Masters of Education: Instructional Technology: I hope to finish this program as this will allow me to solidify my commitment to technology integration in teaching.

2) Acquire Certification Courses from: PC or Mac Applications that will be relevant to education. I need to have adequate technical knowledge and skill in running the OS or programs more than just navigating the user-friendly buttons of the standard integrated softwares in a PC or Mac.

3) Smart Board: Hopefully, as funding would allow it, I want to start using the smart board in my classroom to test firsthand its usefulness to my teaching and to my student's learning.

4) Handhelds: I will explore more applications of handhelds to curriculum use. Handhelds should become an "intellectual partner" to the students and not just a distraction. Therefore, their learning should be enhanced when using these handhelds as skills practice for math, spelling, social, music, and science.

These are visions that I hope to accomplish.

My Action Plan

This is a royalty-free image I got off of corbis.com (a photography website). It shows a person walking into the future guided by technology. That is how I want to see my future as an educator; that twenty or so years from now, I would have established myself as a teacher who uses technology as easily as a teacher today would use a piece of chalk.

Like I said before in my previous blog, the main thing that I need to be conscious with is ensure that one form of technology integration occurs in my classrooom at least every quarter. Hence, this will be my short term goal. Also, because teaching with technology comes with expensive equipment (e..g, document cameras, virtual reality kits) I need to figure out a way in which to acquire these without it coming out of pocket or unduly burdening the school in the process. There are hundreds of available grants out there for technology specialists. My long term goal therefore is to write a grant that will allow me to purchase equipment for use in the classroom. I am giving myself the next two to three years to search for grants that I can apply to.

Also, because educational technology is a rapidly changing field, I need to make sure that I am constantly abreast of the latest trends in technology. Hence my third and final goal is to ensure that at least once a year, I go to a professional development workshop to update myself in the field.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

I honestly do not have many goals when it comes to technology in my classroom. While I do use some, such as overheads and computers for a reading program called Accelerated Reading, I feel that at the age of my students (7 and 8) what they need is a teacher who interacts with them, not a teacher who has a computer interact with them. They have a computer class, and I think that is enough.

I do have my own personal goals related to technology, though. The first is to learn how to create a website. We have to do the webquest thing in here, and I guess that is the first step in learning to create a webpage. I still have SO MUCH to do on that, and I worry that I will never get it finished. In any case, I have wanted to create a webpage for years but have never found anybody to sit down with me and help me. I am also not too good and throwing myself into something that I don't understand.

I would also like to learn about the palm pilots. I see a lot of people with these, and my image is that they are basically electronic date books. I don't understand the interest that people have in them. However, my guess is that they can do far more than that. If that was not the case I don't think people would be so interested.

I would like to start using my desk top computer a little more with students. Another teacher and I just found a website containing whale songs. It would be so easy to introduce the students to that. I think that will be one of my main goals for the next few months.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ED636 - Instructional technology goals

ED636 - Fall 2006

ED636 Blog posting on instructional technology goals
Araceli Nelson
October 18, 2006
Educational technology is the application of technology to the teaching and learning process. A technologically literate student accesses and acquires knowledge, exchanges ideas and opinions, solves problems, and creates, innovates and expresses themselves through the skillful use of a variety of technologies. As with any other tool, technology should be used by students when its use will increase understanding and enhance learning.
Technology, more than any other discipline, has the ability to be integrated throughout the curriculum. By providing access to information, opening pathways to communication and facilitating personal understanding, technology supports learning in all subjects.
My goals would be, 1. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technological tools and devices. 2. Select and use technology to enhance learning and problem solving. 3. Access, organize and analyze information to make informed decisions, using one or more technologies. 4. Use technology in an ethical and legal manner. 5. Design, prepare and present unique works using technology to communicate information and ides. 6. Extend communication and collaboration with peers, experts and other audiences using telecommunications.
And my last goal is to use what I have learned in this course effectively in my class allowing my students to come up with new ideas using new technology.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

ED636 - Fall 2006

Rachel Kerr
ED 636
Blog posting
Instructional Technology Goals

My instructional technology goals are about the same as before. I will continue to try different multimedia in my classroom, when I feel that it is appropriate. I take several things into consideration when determining what is appropriate for my classes. First, I look at my students – can they use this appropriately? Next I look at the objectives that I want to accomplish – will the objectives be met the way I want them to be met with the technology? Finally I look at the time involved with the technology – will my time and the students’ time be well spent or will it be an overload?

After I try something new, I ask the students to evaluate what they thought of the lesson. Did it take too long? Do they want to do it again? What went well? What didn’t? I have them write this and turn it in without names and then I throw away the papers when I am done reading their comments. This way the students can be completely honest without worrying about who might see what. I value what the students have to say because most of the answers back are mature and give me a good insight to what they think and feel.
ED636 - Fall 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Goals for Instructional Technology

Our world is shrinking. We are in the Information Age where cascading technological advances are changing the way we live and learn. For many years Guam has been behind the times, primarily because of geographic distance. This most certainly is no longer true. Guam is digitally wired into any location on the planet. Cell phones, digital cameras, DVD players, and computer use are now an everyday occurrence in most peoples’ lives on our island. This is true with education as well. Not many years ago a teacher might ask his students, “Who has internet at home?” Now the question is “who doesn’t….?”
And so, as an educator, I must consider that the resources available to me are no longer limited - but limitless. This is one reason why I am enrolled in this Master’s program: to learn the current technological tools available to the modern teacher and how to apply them. One goal of mine is to read more scholarly publications. I would like to amass a library of ideas and opinions in my LiveText account. I find the online file storage aspect of LiveText very appealing. Now I can keep my office space less cluttered. Not being able to learn new techniques at a conference of choice is no longer an excuse for teachers on our island. They can gain new insights by reading an assortment of publications online.
In a more general sense, I would like to use the Internet more for doing research and gathering materials. Besides LiveText, I am using a moodle and blogging for the first time. Webquests are also a new concept for me. Also, I am learning that so many items are available as free downloads. The resulting effect is that I am seeing Internet usage in a new light.
Another goal of mine is to use my palm pilot for something other than a date calendar. I purchased it over a year ago in anticipation of using it with my students (most own one of their own). But I wasn’t able to participate in the training we had at the school for using the palm, so I need to catch up on its capabilities and how I can apply them in my classes. I can probably ask one of my students to help me.
One chapter of the text I found useful was the one on visual principles. Although I find myself already using some of those practices, I did gain some ideas on how I can present my materials differently and perhaps more effectively. Now that I have learned how to make a PowerPoint presentation, I find it possible to give students notes or an assignment in that format.
The one hurdle I see in accomplishing some of these goals is cost. I have been pleasantly surprised of the free cost of many of the resources we are using. But there is a significant monetary cost in the implementation of some of these materials and equipment in the classroom. Still, it is possible that I am unaware of the resources available to me. For instance, I now think it is conceivable that I could check out a LCD projector for its use in my classroom. I will make finding that out my first goal for instructional technology.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006



As a premise, Instructional Technology means “the process to utilize any form of technology in ensuring effective and efficient classroom instruction thus achieving successful student learning”. This is the answer to today’s need for effective classroom teaching vis-à-vis the students’ competencies. To put it positively, effective use of technology in teaching results to relevant and engaging learning.


My initial goal will be to re-align all my lesson plans and resources towards technology integration. Making technology as a means to an end, I will include in my lessons those resources that are already available in St. John’s School. I will try to adapt them in my lessons and will creatively use them with the purpose of enhancing my teaching. St. John’s is encouraging the use of Palm Handhelds as learning tools. I will continue to explore the uses of handhelds in my Math and Science Classes.

I will take responsibility of myself to learn more about integrating technology. I will attend, whenever possible, workshops that promote integration of technology to education. I will read current articles, will listen to PODCASTS, and will read books that teach innovative ways to integrate technology.

I have to make this commitment along with my vocation to make a difference in my students’ lives. I have to make this conscious and positive decision to use technology whenever and wherever possible.


There is a technology already being used in the US Mainland that I hope to use. It is called the SMART BOARD. It is an innovative tool to manage the multimedia resources while using the whiteboard. This gives us control and access on the functions of the computer while we are using the whiteboard.

I had seen this demonstrated during our educational conference in Manila last March. I was amazed at how this technology can make multimedia presentations very interactive using the whiteboard without going near the computer.

This Smart Board could be adapted to so many uses from Math to Science and from presentations to demonstrations.

The setback for acquiring this equipment is initially the cost. However, it has proven itself as beneficial to education that would justify itself as worth the market value.

The Smart Board is what I am aiming for to use in the future. It is a material goal that is worth the commitment to integrate technology in education.

Friday, October 06, 2006

My Instructional Technology Goals

I think I have mentioned before that my goal is to be more consistent in the use of technology and its integration into the curriculum.

This year, my advanced math class has ventured outside the classroom setting and into the Linux lab to create charts in spreadsheets. Our lesson was about Statistics and I wanted to show them how easy it was to create and manipulate charts with the use of a computer. I am guessing this was the first time they have seen spreadsheets and charts because the minute they hit the Create Charts button, you could really see the smiles on their faces and hear the collective "oohs"and "aahs" that accompany anything "cool" for a middle-schooler. A teacher never forgets that moment.

However, I would like to do something in terms of technology with my earth science and physics classes. I was thinking of using handhelds with sensors when doing experiments but on second thought, how often are we going to use them to justify their purchase? Maybe have them go on a webquest? That might work, if I could be a little creative in scheduling 2 classes into 1 computer lab.

I guess the realization of my goal will depend on how consistent I am with technology by ensuring that at least one form of technology integration occurs in my classroom every quarter. I can build up from there until it has become ingrained in my way of teaching that its use becomes second nature already.